I grew up in California, watching my savvy yet scrappy mother transform her home decor ideas on a shoestring budget. As a fashionista, she was just as at home with a glue gun, a can of spray paint, and an industrial stapler as she was in high heels, shoulder pads, and false eyelashes!
She was my inspiration for starting this business, and my granddaughter fuels my unparalleled energy and my desire to write the next chapter in my story. After a successful career in fashion, product development, and licensing, what began as a personal hobby has blossomed into a deep passion for creating beautiful homes. Although I’ve designed spaces for myself and my family, it’s now time to share that passion with others.
Whether you’re a young family juggling a lot or an actively involved grandparent who’s opened your home and heart to support your family, I’ll roll up my sleeves and become your partner in achieving your personal goals to make your house a "comfort home."